Chris Whipple, Author of "The Gatekeepers" joins VF Hive to discuss his conversation with former White House Chief of Staff Reince Priebus. It's been 6 months since he left Trump's side and his time in Washington, DC was certainly a wild one. Whipple sat down with Priebus over two very long dinners and said the biggest takeaway was that his time at the White House had to be the craziest 6-month-ride in modern history. Priebus told Whipple to take everything he knew about the White House and times it by 50. That's just how crazy it really was. He wants the world to know that he stopped 10 Trump ideas from hitting paper...and the press. Plus, what is Priebus' long game? Whipple believes he's determined to maintain his relationship with President Trump. In fact, it's reported that Trump calls Priebus all the time...making Priebus believe he's the "Trump Whisperer."

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