Google's Arts and Culture app is the most-downloaded free app for both iOS and Android, meaning it's surpassed heavy hitters like Messenger and YouTube in just the past few days. . Arts and Culture has been around since 2016. Until last week, though, not many people used it. The recent surge in popularity comes from the addition of a facial recognition feature. The feature allows users to upload a selfie to find museum paintings that look like them. Net neutrality may live to see another day. Attorneys General from 22 states--including California, Illinois and Mississippi-- are filing a lawsuit to block the FCC's recent vote to repeal Obama-era regulations. New York State AG Schneiderman calls the rollback a "disaster for New York consumers and businesses, and for everyone who cares about a free and open internet." YouTube is setting new rules for its content in an effort to regain advertisers' trust. For starters, employees will watch the platform's most popular videos to ensure paid ads are running alongside content that is not offensive or controversial. Also, in addition to 10,000 views, channels will need one thousand subscribers and 4,000 hours of view time. YouTube hopes to have the review finished by the end of march

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