As of Thursday, June 11, the COVID-19 public health emergency is officially over in the United States. The sunsetting of the declaration, which was first put in place three years at the outset of a pandemic, has widespread implications for the cost of COVID tests and treatment. Cheddar News senior reporter Chloe Aiello breaks it all down. 

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Buses of Migrants Seem to Use 'Loophole' to Avoid New NYC Rules
A New Jersey mayor says buses of migrants bound for New York City have been stopping at the train station in his town and others in an apparent effort to evade an executive order by New York's mayor trying to regulate how and when migrants can be dropped off in the city.
World Population Reached 8 Billion People on Jan. 1
The world population grew by 75 million people over the past year and on New Year's Day, it was estimated to stand at more than 8 billion people, according to figures released by the U.S. Census Bureau on Thursday.
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