Casino mogul Steve Wynn is resigning as CEO of Wynn Resorts following sexual harassment allegations. He will be replaced by Matt Maddox who has been the president of Wynn Resorts since 2013. This comes weeks after Wynn stepped down as finance chair of the Republican National Committee. Snap shares soared following a stellar earnings report. The social media company beat on earnings and revenue for the first time since going public. Snap also announced a big increase in daily active users, bringing the total number of users to around 187 million. SpaceX successfully launched its Falcon Heavy rocket. More than 2 million people tuned into the live stream of the launch. It is now the most powerful rocket in operation. Nick Lucchesi, executive editor of Inverse, says the launch marks a new chapter in space exploration. And U.S. gold medalist Dana Vollmer joins us to give her take on the upcoming Winter Olympics and share her tips on heart health. Even though she isn't competing in the games, she's excited to watch. Vollmer and Go Red For Women spokesperson Dr. Suzanne Steinbaum discuss ways to make sure your heart is healthy.

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