*By Madison Alworth* Helena Morrissey seems like a superhero. The mother of nine leads the personal investing business of a trillion-dollar investment firm. She founded the [30% Club](https://30percentclub.org/) to push for gender balance on the boards of British companies. And the 30-year Wall Street veteran is the author of the new book, "A Good Time to Be a Girl." "To succeed women had to be honorary men," Morrissey said in an interview with Cheddar. But not any more. She said the #MeToo movement and calls for equality across industries has opened new opportunities for women. "I think it's a great opportunity we have right now to think bigger, go for real gender equality, work with men, and change the system," she said. Instead of "leaning in," Morrissey said women and men should commit to creating a better paradigm that works for everyone. She cited her own experience as an example. After her fourth child was born, Morrissey's husband offered to leave his job in journalism and work freelance in order to spend more time with their children. "I'm not advocating role reversal, necessarily," she said. "I'm advocating shaking it up so we share things more, and there aren't gender stereotypes about the roles that we play." Change may be coming fast to some industries, but Morrissey said there is more to do. "We have to seize this moment," she said. For full interview, [click here](https://cheddar.com/videos/why-its-a-good-time-to-be-a-girl).

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