Here is a rundown of Cheddar News' top trending market stories of the day. 


Cannabis ads are coming to Twitter. The social media platform said it will start allowing ads featuring cannabis in states where the drug is legal. While Reddit currently allows ads for CBD products, Twitter will be the first social media app to allow advertising of products with THC content. The company said in a blog post announcing the change that it would create opportunities for “responsible cannabis marketing.”


Instacart is rolling out a new tool that aims to save "shoppers" (which in company parlance means workers) time and money. Called the "Queued Batches" feature, it allows users to accept a second order before they are finished with the first one. The company said this will cut down significantly on the amount of time shoppers spend in the store.  


A new study has shown that burnout is not only real but stronger than it was at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.  A survey by Future Forum found that more than 40 percent of people who work office jobs feel burnt out. Many experts are attributing this frustration to higher inflation, economic uncertainty, and fears of being laid off. The end of work from home policies may also be a factor. 

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