For your business to be successful, people have to know it exists. You may be able to get the company off the ground through word of mouth, but eventually your business will need some well-targeted advertising and marketing. As the advertising landscape continues to change, it can be difficult for business owners to figure out where to put their ad dollars. Pranav Yadav, CEO of Neuro-Insight, and George Slefo, Tech Reporter at AdAge, discuss the present and future of the advertising industry. Yadav's company uses neuromarketing to help companies create targeted advertisements that spike brain activity and memory. Yadav explains exactly how they use brain mapping to improve the efficacy of ads. Slefo takes a look at where the money is going in the advertising industry. According to the International Advertising Bureau, 75 cents of every ad dollar goes to Facebook and Google. Slefo says it's because they have proven time and again to give companies strong returns on investment.

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