*By Madison Alworth* Roads in the Netherlands are the best-prepared for autonomous-driving vehicles, and the government there is encouraging innovators to develop driverless technology in the country. According to a recent report by the auditing firm KPMG, policy, technology, infrastructure, and consumer acceptance in the Netherlands make it the best place to test this new form of transportation. (Singapore and the United States come next.) The Netherlands also has 4G internet across the entire country, a feature that will be key for autonomous driving infrastructure. "It's very important to keep investing for us and keep our country an attractive location to invest in for foreign direct investors," said Daniel Klein Velderman, an official with the Netherlands Foreign Investment Agency. He said Dutch lawmakers have passed legislation to make it easier for companies to develop autonomous driving technology. They passed measures making it legal to test autonomous vehicles on public roads in the Netherlands. And there is a bill in Parliament that would make it possible to test completely driverless vehicles. Florien van der Windt, an official with the Dutch Ministry of Infrastructure and the Environment, said other measures are being prepared in anticipation of regulating new types of self-driving vehicles. "A good thing we are working on now is a driver's license for cars," he said. "So not for yourself to drive, but for the car itself." For full interview, [click here](https://cheddar.com/videos/netherlands-deemed-most-autonomous-vehicle-ready-country-in-the-world).

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