The Artificial Intelligence Caucus is a group of bipartisan lawmakers working together to ensure technology has a positive impact on America's future. Congressman John Delaney (D-MD) believes A.I. will be a "paradigm-shifting development," and he thinks the government needs to encourage its growth. Congressman Delaney says Washington and the Trump administration is too caught up in the moment to think about the future. Meanwhile, Americans are worried technological innovation will leave them jobless. Delaney believes the positives of A.I. far outweigh the negatives, but Congress needs to ensure innovation spreads across the country, not just to major tech hubs. A former entrepreneur, Congressman Delaney built two companies that traded on the New York Stock Exchange. He says his business experience reminds him to look towards where the world is going, not where it has been. He believes if the government works together with the private economy, Americans will benefit immensely.

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