If you're worried that it takes crazy, hours-long workouts over many months to get in shape for summer, then fitness experts Denise and Katie Austin have some comforting advice: Getting fit is a function of quality not quantity. "Do something every day even if it's ten minutes a day," said Denise Austin, 61, in an interview Tuesday on Cheddar. "A walk, a fast walk, pushups, situps, the basics really truly work." Katie Austin, Denise's 24 year-old daughter, said she prefers a more intense workout, and relies on high intensity interval training (HIIT) to keep her in shape. "I love HIIT workouts because I think they're the most effective," said Katie. "It only really takes 30 minutes a day." Denise is one of the most recognizable faces in exercise video history. She has sold more than 25 million videos and DVDs, but she has had to adapt for the digital age. With help from her daughter Katie, who is a fitness instructor with a [booming social media following](https://www.instagram.com/katieaustin/?hl=en), Denise is finding new ways to engage with her fans and develop new followers. Mother and daughter have tailored workout and nutrition plans for women of all ages. GetFitWithKatie.com caters to teenagers and women in their 20s who don't have a lot of space to train in. Subscribers ー it costs about $10 a month ー get access to daily workouts that blend cardio, toning, and yoga. Katie launched a new app to go with her website three weeks ago. DeniseAustin.com is geared toward women over 40 who want to maintain a healthy lifestyle. For about $16 a month, subscribers get access to her LifeFit 360 plan, which she says is all about getting women into a mindset of celebrating life and aging because it "only gets better from here." For full interview, [click here](https://cheddar.com/videos/fitness-runs-in-the-family-denise-austin-and-daughter-katie-share-fitness-tips-for-the-summer).

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